Thursday, January 5, 2012

open resonse number two

           In V for Vendetta, the media supports the evil that the government is trying to promote. One example is a regular TV show in London. The T.V. show stars a white man that kills black people. The black people are portrayed with slave accents and they're very evil. This shows the media reinforces racism because when the people watch this T.V. show they see a white man as the good guy and black people as the bad guys, and it sort of reassures them. Another way the media reinforces the policy is church. This may not be entirely media but in London people always go to church. The church at this time preaches ideas of purity and cleansing of the devil. People hear this hog wash and think its gods will to be racist and kill innocent people. It's hard to believe  that the media is the bad guy, when in reality there is no media. Pretty much everything is controlled by the leader of the fascist society.

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