Thursday, September 15, 2011

Why does nothing in the dark turn dark elements upside down

 The twilight zone nothing in the dark turned fantasy elements upside down because it made death and Mr.death almost seem harmless and painless. Also it made it seem like it was a nice happy thing instead of a dark decrepit thing. For example when the old lady notices the guy in her house is Mr. Death she is alarmed until he shows he's a nice guy and harmless. This proves my point because usually Mr.Death is pictured as this old sketchy skeleton in a weird coat going around killing people. Also it showed that people don't have to fear death because the lady seemed happier and more relieved when she died. Also when Mr. death took the old ladies hand she didn't even realize that she had died from it because she was expecting this big painful experience but instead it turned out to be quite peaceful. This proves my point because some people including the old lady think of dieing as this big painful experience but when it is proved opposite it's turning the elements of fantasy upside down if you ask me. Also when the old lady saw her dead body at rest a happy smile of relief was plastered on her face. Nothing in the dark shows the world that fearing death can be an imprisonment of the mind and your life.

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