Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Grim Fairytales

       Grim fairy tales are more hardcore and violent than Disney fairy tales. Disney fairy tales are known for being happy fun filled adventures that are very appealing to children. Grim fairy tales however, are for children but also teach a lesson in each story. For example in the Grim fairy tale Queen Bee I believe the main lesson that the author is trying to tell is that kindness is rewarded. I think this is the lesson because in multiple cases the main character stops his brothers from killing helpless animals. In the end these animals return the favor by helping the main character with his three tasks that he has to do. Another key example of lesson learning in Grim fairy tales is in Hans My Hedgehog. In this tale the lesson that is repeaded throughout is, keep your promises. I believe this is the lesson, because in the story people promise Hans My Hedgehog things that they don't keep. This makes Hans my Hedgehog very angry, he even kills a lady or "spikes " her. I think this is a good way of scaring kids into keeping their promises, not that that is a good thing but effective.